Enjoy Paradise as you play tennis or golf ! Tropic Seal LLC will be dilligently restoring and sealing your pavestone project.
A properly prepared surface will result in years of low maintenance and lively appearance. Tropic Seal LLC utilizes very high pressure WhisperJets in the cleaning stage. These machines not only thoroughtly clean the pavestones but knock the joint sand down below the bevel edge of the pavestones. This is important as excessive sand in the joints is a major magnet for mold, mildew and algae. Stubborn rust stains, tree tannins, effloresence and black algae is removed with specific safe chemistry. Surfaces must be dry prior to sealing operations. Sealing could be delayed by rain, saturated base materials or other factors beyond the control of Tropic Seal requiring additional drying time. The project is  swept and blown to clear the surface of  any  residual  sand  or  accumulated debris and closely inspected.

ACRYLIC SEALERS: Tropic Seal LLC then applies its high solids  sealers. In most instances  this is done with hydraulic powered fan sprayers.  Acrylic sealers for the most part can be atomized. In a few instances the acrylic sealers are applied manually. Previously unsealed pavers will receive two coats at 2100 psi.  Precast pavestones can be subject to pedestrian traffic after three hours, however, no automobile traffic for a minimum 24 hours and we prefer 30 hours if possible. Projects with vehicular traffic will be barricaded during this time.

SILANE SEALERS:  Tropic Seal Silane sealers are full penetrating non-catalytic microbonding systems. They are applied with special low pressure chemical sprayers and allowed  to penetrate for a given time. Penetration is between 1/16th and 1/8th of an inch.  Due to their non-catalytic nature any excess requires removal with microfibre pads. It is a single stage application designed for penetration. Stain protection and enhancement is superb with these architectural grade silane sealants. Vehicular traffic must remain off the pavers for 48 hours. Pedestrian traffic may resume after 6 hours.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  As with all sealers whether precast pavers or natural stone the finished appearance may mildy vary due to natural stone absorption or the unavoidable porosity diffrerences in precast pavestone manufacturing.

  Our Committments to You !

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